Meditative Medicine Journeys

Meditative Medicine Journeys

Meditation is the expression of the intelligence that links life and form, the Self and the not self in Time and in the three worlds. The process of this connection eventuates on the plane of mind, which links the higher and the lower.” DK

Building a greater sense of awareness from within, brings back Spiritual Freedom and enables the joy of recognising the strength of your foundations, and the opportunity to build upon these foundations a framework that will empower your inner evolving life.

During your journey you will be guided towards a Theta wave Shamanic Dreaming meditation where you will be meet one or more of your Spiritual Guides and be given personal messages, insights etc from and by them.

The intention of these journeys is to assist you in establishing a platform of Grace and certainty, creating inner peace regardless of the circumstances, by helping you to connect deep within yourself and find your truth.

Developing a nurturing, effective self-relationship promotes inner harmony, healing outdated detrimental patterns while facilitating the removal of ‘the veils of illusion’ that obstruct clear thinking.

Each journey is individual to the participant(s) and varies both from person to person and journey to journey. The insights and connections made available to you can be immediate with more coming to you in the days or weeks to follow.

Your personal Guides will design what you see, hear and learn dependant on the path of your personal evolutionary process.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Jennabeth Moss

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