How To Make Natural Peanut Butter

Natural Peanut Butter

Natural Peanut Butter is a quick and protein rich go-to snack for those who care about their waistline. We should know by now, protein rich foods (chicken, eggs, beef, quinoa and beans to name a few) keep our bellies fuller for longer and also assist with cell and muscle growth.

Often Peanut butter is recommended as a snack but do you know almost all commercial PB’s have up to half a teaspoon of sugar per tablespoon of peanut butter! I decided to share with you an easier, healthier way to enjoy your Peanut Butter without the sugar.


500g of Peanuts (I decided on roasted)
250g Cashews (again, roasted)
2 sprinkles of sea salt……………….

Yep that’s it! No other junk.

In a food processor (you may have to do this in 2 batches) tumble in your nuts and blend on highest setting.

The nuts will go through stages: First: Just broken up into chunks, then you will see the nuts appear to have the same texture as wet sand or a cheesecake base (mmm cheesecake!) and finally a ball that turns into a paste.

Be patient and watch your nuts! If you wanted a crunchier texture don’t let it go to a complete smooth paste. Whichever way you decide to eat it, it will incredibly glorious!

Roasted Peanuts and Cashews (try any combo of nuts you like!)

Let the Peanut Butter making start!

Crumble texture. Keep blending

Almost there

Paste like

Done! Look at it! In all its creamy, peanut buttery goodness and NO SUGAR!!!

Nuts do have a tendency to go rancid quickly, so pop your Peanut Butter in the fridge to much it last longer or make smaller batches. Left in the cupboard it should last between 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

Nutritional value is 110 cals/tablespoon, 4.5g protein, 10g Fat, 0 sugar

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Natalie Carter

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