Healing Herbs: Exploring the Benefits of Medicinal Plants For Holistic Health

medicinal plants

For over 4,000 years, humans have been using medicinal plants and herbs to treat and prevent disease.

Even with the development of novel therapies, medicinal plants remain the ‘drug’ of choice for many practitioners and their patients, largely because of their benefits for holistic health.

After all, they can help maintain (and restore) the body, mind, and spirit because of the following benefits.

Medicinal Plants Are Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the body from the damage caused by free radicals, which comes from exposure to the following:

  • Sun 
  • Certain medications
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Air pollutants
  • Radiation 
  • Pesticides 
  • Industrial chemicals

In the long run, repeated exposure to free radicals can lead to the development of cancer, heart disease, and stroke, among many other aging-related conditions. 

One of the benefits of medicinal plants is their high antioxidant content, which can protect the cells and reduce one’s risk of developing the aforementioned diseases. 

One prominent example is Rosemary, the only approved natural antioxidant in the EU. Consumed as a tea or tincture, it contains many cell-protective components, such as caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and oleanolic acid. 

Helps The Body ‘Adapt’ 

Holistic medicine promotes the consideration of all aspects of the person. After all, there is a profound connection between mental, emotional, and physical health. 

Such association is seen in individuals dealing with stress, which is the body’s natural way of facing challenges. While acute stress can have positive effects, such as keeping one alert and motivated, long-term stress can lead to a variety of health issues, such as high blood pressure and irritable bowel syndrome.

Rich in adaptogens, herbal remedies can help the body deal with stress and regain holistic balance, leading to overall wellness. 

Considered prototype adaptogens, American and Asian ginseng can help enhance the immune system, making the body more resilient to stress and disease.

In fact, a report has shown that it can decrease one’s risk of developing upper respiratory tract infection symptoms. 

Prevents Inflammation

Allergens and tissue injury can lead to inflammation, which is the body’s way of defending itself from such harmful stimuli. Continued inflammation can bring about a variety of issues, such as allergies, cardiovascular problems, metabolic syndromes, and even cancer.  

One of the many benefits of medicinal plants is they can block the substances that trigger inflammation. One popular example is Turmeric, which contains curcumin, a metabolite that inhibits the production of molecules that cause inflammation. 

According to research, this natural remedy can help reduce the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and arthritis. It may also help combat male infertility. 

Enhances Cognition And Memory 

Many herbal remedies have nootropic properties, meaning they have brain-protective substances that boost memory and cognition. 

One such plant that promotes mental wellness is Gotu kola, which boosts blood flow to the brain. It also protects the brain, resulting in better concentration, memory, and information reception. 

Another popular example is the sweet flag, which grows in Asia and Southern Europe. When taken as a tonic, it may help improve memory, especially in people with Alzheimer’s disease. 

Promotes Relaxation

Anxiety refers to the feeling of dread or uneasiness that one experiences due to stress. While it is normal to feel anxious before any big event, it can worsen and take a toll on one’s physical and mental health. 

One of the benefits of medicinal plants is that they can promote a more relaxed state by altering brain signals. Certain remedies, such as valerian root, are good for people with anxiety and insomnia. 

Free Of Additives 

Traditional medications often contain inactive materials such as gluten, lactose, and dyes. Unfortunately, these can trigger allergies, especially in people who need to take such drugs for a prolonged time. 

Being allergens, these additives may trigger inflammation, which, as mentioned, can lead to the development of chronic diseases. 

Since herbs are often given as-is, they do not contain substances that may trigger allergies or adverse side effects. As such, another benefit of medicinal plants is there’s no need to take allergy medication! 

Embrace The Power of Nature For Better Health

In summary, herbal remedies promote holistic health by protecting the body from cell damage and inflammation. They can also help the body adapt to stress, enhance cognition, and promote relaxation. As they are free of allergy-triggering additives, these medicinal plants may just be what everybody needs to achieve the pinnacle of holistic health. 

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Bio: Christian Rasmussen is the founder of Minnesota Nice Ethnobotanicals, an e-commerce business offering rare and unique ethnobotanicals for sale . His deep connection with nature, especially his passion for Amanita Muscaria, has driven him to build the largest vertically integrated ethnobotanical company in the U.S.

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