Tips To Staying Healthy During Holidays

Staying Healthy During Holidays

Christmas is my favorite time of year! I literally shut down the busy, hectic schedule I usually keep, & for the last 2 weeks of the year I bake, read, visit, & enjoy my family and friends. I refuse to adhere to any kind of schedule.

I still get up reasonably early (about 7:30 or 8:00 AM), but the is no particular agenda. I usually don’t Christmas shop until somewhere around the 22nd or 23rd. I feel more in the “spirit” of Christmas after a few days of relaxation.

I’m able to clear my mind, as well as make un-frenzied & non-pressured decisions about gifts. I buy less, but my gifts are thoughtful & meaningful to the people who receive them. Shop Online for Stress Free Shopping

I realize that not everyone has the luxury of taking two weeks off, but there are ways to stress & decompress during this holiday season.

The ability to use that little two letter word “NO” is key to mastering the art of holding the “Spirit of Christmas” in your heart & finding joy & peace in this season, and throughout the new year.

Consider adopting one or more of the following tools-the ability to live a peaceful life has many health benefits, some of which are the following: Discover techniques in our FREE Mind Relaxation Techniques Holistic Health Magazine.

1.) Maintaining Internal Peace Is A Great Anti-Hypertensive

Do you have high blood pressure? Help your body (or your blood pressure medicine) work better by not allowing people or external circumstances to affect your internal peace.

2.) Holiday Weight Gain Isn’t The Only Thing You Have To Worry About At Christmas Time

Keep sugar, caffeine, and alcohol to a minimum during the holidays. Balance the special treats out by filling up on healthy foods first. Then, if there is any room, indulge in a sweet treat.

3.) Over Indulging On Sugar, Alcohol, & Caffeine Create Chemical Imbalances In Your Body That “Stress” It & Disturbs Normal Metabolism

These imbalances can produce internal alterations in balance that manifest as depression, anxiety, fatigue at a minimum; it can cause additional health problems for those who already have medical issues.

4.) Make Room For 30 Minutes Of Daily Exercise

Daily exercise normalizes blood pressure & blood sugar, exponentially reduces stress & the pain of certain conditions, & can reduce or eliminate depression.

Weight loss from exercise is the big bonus. If you over-indulge during the holidays, daily exercise can keep the damage to a minimum by increasing your body’s metabolism so it can effectively burn off the extra calories.

5.) Relive The Joy Of The Season Journal Your Thoughts & Plans At The End Of Each Day

This is such a wonderfully effective form of emotionally & mentally decompressing at days end.

Journaling will help you organize your thoughts, spark new ideas, exhale stressful events of the day. Additionally, it creates memories that can be passed on to loved ones through generations.

Christmas is a time of joyful celebration & thanksgiving. If you need to, have a family meeting & reinvent activities & traditions to line up with your family values. Use this time to teach your children what’s really important.

Most of all, ENJOY!-each other, as well as yourself, the season & all that it means.

Remember….your HEALTH is your WEALTH!

Have a blessed Christmas & a Prosperous New Year!

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Lori Altman

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