Four Simple Ways To Take Care Of Your Feet

Take Care Of Your Feet

Your foot is a very important part of your body. In it, there are twenty-six bones, complex muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Your feet help you maintain balance as you are walking, by absorbing the impact of your body weight.

Feet are essential and ought to be taken care of as the majority of us put little consideration to the cleanliness of our feet.

Failure to maintain cleanliness and taking care of your feet may result in problems like foot odor, ingrown toenails, bacterial and fungal infections, cracked skin, corns, fallen arches among many others. This article describes four simple ways to take care of your feet.

  1. Put On Comfortable Shoes

Your foot health can be affected by wearing the wrong shoes, which are causing discomfort for the foot. The first aspect to consider in wearing shoes is the fitness of the shoe. Do not wear tight shoes as it can cause ingrown toenails, hammer toe, and foot pain.

On the other hand, oversized shoes can cause calluses, sore heels as you it will prevent the heel from settling in the right place, making you stretch. Some shoes are generally bad even if they fit you properly.

A good example is the high heels which cause bone damage and foot overpronation. Also, shoes made of synthetics are not recommendable because they trap heat and moisture, and they don’t breathe well.

It is advisable to wear shoes made of natural materials like cotton and leather.

  1. Walk

Even if you drive, take your time and do some walking for some minutes as the activity will help your feet muscles to stay stronger. Walking also makes your tendons and ligaments are flexible, and this can prevent the development of fallen arches at an older age.

The walking exercise can be done anywhere, either on the pavement or on the grass but if you have been walking on the pavement you might not get the impact of walking in the improvement of your feet health, so try to walk on soft cinder track or grass for cushioning.

You can as well jog and do some weight lifting if you are in a position to do so. It helps in making your muscles flexible and stronger.

  1. Ensure You Wash Your Feet Daily

Whenever you wash your body, do not forget to wash your feet. Failure to do so may lead to the rising of many foot problems which will render your foot health. You probably spend almost the whole day with socks on your feet.

The sweat and moisture present in your foot can harbor bacteria and fungi, leading to infections. If you do not wash your feet, sweat, and moisture accumulate in your feet, and this may cause the unpleasant odor which will lead to skin infections.

A critical note: when washing your feet, ensure you clean the spaces between your toes.

  1. Wear Socks

Apart from wearing comfortable shoes, it is also essential to wear a pair of socks and make this an integral part of your daily routine of foot care.

Socks play two significant roles; the first one is that they prevent your feet from wearing and tearing, and the second one is that they take away and absorb moisture making your feet dry.

When your feet are free from moisture, you are free from infections from bacteria and fungi. You can also use shoe inserts when you don’t have a pair of socks.

Moreover, Socks also serve as a barrier between your shoes and feet, reducing the chances of developing calluses and blisters.

It is crucial for all of us to take care of our feet. Proper cleanliness and general hygiene of the foot is essential as this will help in preventing the development of foot problems which may render our general body health.

Let us adhere to the simple foot care practices named above, and in case of any feet conditions, you may see a medical doctor or a physician for treatment and guidance.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Paisley Hansen is an avid student of health and fitness and overall well-being. She has devoted herself to the field, loves acquiring new knowledge about anything related to health and fitness, and leads a very healthy lifestyle for her family to follow. In recent years she has decided to share much of her knowledge in this field. When she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book, outside with her family or at the gym.
Hometown: Bend, OR United States Occupation: Freelance writer
Interests: Fitness, exercising, health, healthy eating, beauty, fashion, wellness, motherhood.
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