Food And How The Wrong Choices May Be Affecting Your Body

Food And How The Wrong Choices May Be Affecting Your Body

There is so much information about food available nowadays that you would think that we would all be super fit and healthy. And that just isn’t so.

Our disease states are all on the rise including childhood and adolescent obesity as well as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. As well as many mental health issues affecting both children and adults.

This is an article in a series of articles that talks about the four pillars, absolutely necessary for optimal health.

The first article was on Water and How Important it is to have Correct Hydration. This article is about Food and the choices that we make and how that may be affecting your body.

There is so much information about food available nowadays that you would think that we would all be super fit and healthy. And that just isn’t so.

Our disease states are all on the rise including childhood and adolescent obesity as well as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. As well as many mental health issues affecting both children and adults.

Having researched and studied food and health from when I first bought a health food shop in 1984 none of the things that are currently happening with the health of our population are surprising to me.

I have read up on and studied just about every diet program that has come out and found that most of them are short term fixes for what is really lifestyle problems that run very deep within our community.

The most important thing that I have found out about food in the last 28 years is that in order to have optimal health you have to choose food that you are able to readily digest and assimilate into your body so that you can have energy.

Otherwise the food will be useless to you and become a burden in your body. So in addition to the 2.7 litres of water that I need every day I also make sure to eat food that is both healthy and easy for my body to assimilate.

The funny thing is that when Carey Reams (The creator of RBTI Analysis) worked all of this out over 80 years ago he found that nearly everyone felt better and performed better when they drank the right amount of water and ate the right foods for their body.

If you want you and your children to have optimum performance at work, home, school, in sports or just generally it will pay to make sure that you and they consistently drink just water at the rate of 33 ml per kg of weight.

And learn what the right foods are to keep your body in optimal health. Disease is in the main a product of poor food choices that have failed to support the energy and functions of the body.

One way to tell if the food that you are eating is right for your body is to do the downloadable questionnaire. Every answer is important and every answer can be affected by the food choices that you make.

A total score over 25 is cause for alarm and a very thorough reassessment of your health and your diet is suggested. One way to do that is to undertake an RBTI Analysis to find out the affects that your diet is having on your biochemistry.

Another of Carey Reams famous sayings was that “the first day that the body fails to take in the minerals that it needs is the first day of ill health.”

The more consistent use and the better quality of the water and food the better the outcomes for you and your children.

Please note here is a questionnaire based on any symptoms that you may be experiencing that are caused by or contributed to by poor diet choices for your body. This can be printed out and used by you to help you assess whether the food choices that you are making are beneficial or detrimental to your body.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

David Lomman 

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