Feeling Better By Thinking Better

Thinking Better

If you start thinking better you feel better and your brain performs better.

It is generally accepted that through regular and practiced meditation, you are able to calm not only your body but your mind as well. It may sound too difficult to try, however there are ways to make meditation as simple as possible.

If you are hesitant to begin a practice of mediation, read on to learn a few tips to get you started. It may be true that in order to perfect your meditation skills you need to practice it for years, however you can still begin with the simplest relaxation techniques.

This will surely make you feel better, and with your brain relaxed a little, your whole being is rejuvenated.

Meditation is a good way to reduce stress, and as you’ve probably experienced, we can think better if we are not stressed.

As many researches have pointed out, you can suffer from psychological damage if you are exposed to constant stress. So meditation could just be the right boost to your brain power.

Through mediation, your concentration will be strengthened, thus you can fully focus on any mental activity that you are working on.

So you should learn to control your mind and use it efficiently for your own goals. Do this by starting with breath techniques moving further to simple meditation.

Find a spot where you can sit and relax comfortably. Once there, give close attention to your breathing for a few seconds.

Basically, you just have to clear your mind for a moment and have some quiet time on your own. Start simply with ‘breath watching.’

1) Find Your Spot

If you are only a beginner, you may want to find a quiet place where you can meditate. As you become more expert in meditation, you will notice that you can virtually meditate anywhere you want to. In the meantime, find a spot where you can feel at peace.

2) Be Comfortable

Look for a position which will keep you at ease but not asleep. For some people, crossing your legs in the lotus position is a meditative position. For others, sitting in a regular chair is better.

If you are the kind of person who can lie down without falling asleep, you may also try lying down for this may be your most comfortable position. Just keep yourself perfectly still and comfortable but not asleep – this should be your meditation position.

3) Let Go Of The Tension

Observe which part of your body is most tensed. Tense up those parts and then release the tension. You may experience the release as your body begins to be drained from all the tension. If you repeat the process, you will later on learn how to relax easily.

4) Breathe Properly

Breathe properly, in through your nose. In doing so, the air can easily pass through your lungs. You may notice that your diaphragm, abdomen and chest expand more when you in breathe through your nose. While meditating, breathe through your nose if possible

5) Pay Attention

There may be instances when your mind will be disturbed by other thoughts, but you should always remind yourself to go back into paying special attention to your breathing. With constant reminding, the thoughts that may disturb you will soon fade away.

You may want to perform this meditation for at least five minutes. And then as you practice it more and more each day, you may want to perform it for a longer time.

You should then be able to realise that these meditations can really help you clear your mind and increase your focus. By feeling better, your brain also performs better.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Tim_Stackpool-smileTim Stackpool is the author and producer of a number of relaxation and meditation resources including the books “From Now to Zen: Meditation and Relaxation in the Modern Era”, and “Build a Better Brain”. He has worked as a TV, radio and print journalist, and is heard as the narrator of many documentaries and films. His popular longer-form guided meditation audio recordings are available from www.giveyourbrainabreak.com
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