Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway


Have you ever wanted something in life and thought I can’t do that? Have you thought, “If I want that big goal I have been dreaming of I have to do some of the things that scare me, therefore I wont do it”.

I know I have. For me that big dream was building Global Healing Exchange on my own. It scared me so much and I had no idea how to do it. There were points in this journey that gave me so much fear.

The thing is my inner knowing was telling me that I had to do it as it is my life’s purpose, so I kept on going through some pretty hard times. It has taken almost 4 years of love and passion to build what I have built and in that process I have grown so much as a person.

At the beginning of the project, I was hoping that someone would come along and rescue me, that someone would see the potential of how many people could be helped through this business and say “Hey Sharon I want to run GHE for you and don’t worry about paying me, I will help you for love”.

Guess what…that person did not appear and I had to do it on my own. There have been ups and downs along the way.

I have worked with some people who are amazing and lift me up energetically so that I can keep going and sometimes there have been people I have kept working for me too long, and they drained my energy (I almost got to the point of adrenal fatigue, before I said I could no longer work with them any more).

During that process I learned what NOT to do. I learned that I had to take control and manage these people. I learned that I needed to set deadlines, give clear concise targets and stop being so vague.

During this process I got complete clarity of what GHE is and where it is going. I know who I want to work with and who I don’t. I can see the vision and how it is going to play out.

The ‘Sharon’ I was 4 years ago had no idea about how to run a business as she had been a sole trader for years, but during these ups and downs I now know where to push myself and where not to.

I have learned what I can delegate and what I have to do myself. As some of you may know my early childhood was not the easiest and as a small child it was not safe for me to be seen or heard, so I kept myself small and quiet.

It was a strategy that worked for me as a child before the age of 5 but it does not serve me in my business.

For the first 3 years I tried to build GHE without anyone knowing who I was. There was no bio, photograph – nothing.

As I kept hearing the message from my friends, GHE needs a face, people need to know who you are, I kept listening and I would talk to my friends about being the face, about doing the public speaking for me but that did not work either.

I know that for me to live my true purpose and live the life I love I need to shine. How can I ask my clients to do this if I do not do it myself?

So over the last few years I have been doing courses to make me more confident and feel safe so I can put videos out into the world, I can feel safe about putting my “face” out there, about being confident enough to do webinars and live events.

The great news is, I now have a bio, photo, videos, I do webinars and I booked my first LIVE event for August 7 th 2014.

This is such a big day for me and now I am excited because over these last 4 years I have networked and met AMAZING therapists and they are going to be a part of the event.

It is amazing, if you told me 4 years ago that I would be public speaking and holding my own events I would have said you were crazy.

The fact of the matter is I had to grow into my dream. I cant say it has been an easy ride because it has been far from easy but it has been a massive ride and I am so glad that I am now at the point I am now.

I have felt like I have been pushing a HUGE bolder up a mountain but now I feel like I am at the top and the boulder is about to gain so much momentum on the way down.

I would like to say thank you to all of the people who have supported me both emotionally and financially during this time because the thing I have learned is, although it felt like I was doing this alone, I had support whenever I needed it, I just didn’t ask.

So from now on I will ask for support from others so we can build this community be what it is destined to be. (I will no longer hold it back).

A loving community of people around the world dedicated to healing their body, mind and spirit holistically. I am really looking forward to seeing what happens over the coming years. Thanks for being a part of it.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sharon WhiteSharon White

If you would like to learn more and work with me one on one I would love to work with you. I am passionate about people having a voice, being heard and creating the change you want in your life.

You can contact me at sharon@globalhealingexchange.com to see how I can help you. Sharon is the founder of Global Healing Exchange. You can work with her on her Emotional Freedom Program here.

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