Enzymes – What Are They?


While minerals are the true building blocks of the body and in order to have a healthy body we need minerals to:

1. Be in the food that we eat.
2. Be readily digestible from that food.
3. Be in a state of health in our own digestive system allowing us to digest and assimilate the minerals in our foods.

In order to get the minerals we need Enzymes…..

This is an article in a series of articles that talks about the four pillars, absolutely necessary for optimal health.

The first article was on Water and How Important it is to have Correct Hydration. The second article was about Food and the choices that we make.

The third article was about Minerals and how lack of necessary minerals or too many of the wrong minerals may be affecting your body.

This fourth article and the last of the big four is about Enzymes. Without enzymes we wouldn’t exist in a physical body. Nor would we have been able to be conceived. That’s how important they are.

While Minerals Are The True Building Blocks Of The Body & In Order To Have A Healthy Body We Need Minerals To:

1. Be in the food that we eat.

2. Be readily digestible from that food.

3. Be in a state of health in our own digestive system allowing us to digest and assimilate the minerals in our foods.

In order to get the minerals we need Enzymes. Enzymes are the things that do the work. Without enzymes of all of the right kinds constantly being produced it would be like trying to build a house without any workers.

We could have water and cement, bricks and timbers and all of the fittings, just no one there to put it all together.

Our disease states are all on the rise including childhood, adolescent and adult obesity as well as diabetes, heart disease and cancer and all can directly be attributed to poor food quality leading to lack of enzymes.

Lack of enzymes combined with the lack of minerals in our foods and the inability of our digestive systems to extract what is in there is, I believe, one of the major reasons for the huge increase in mental health issues affecting children and adults.

There are solutions for all conditions that are affecting the children and youth of today. Most involve changes and significant changes to their diets and the addition of supplementary enzymes.

We are dealing with these issues in our clinics in increasing numbers every year and the solutions that we offer are simple and relatively easy to institute and strengthen the children’s body and digestive system as well as their self-esteem and ability to interact healthily in the world.

Getting the right balance of minerals into our body is imperative for optimal health. This can only happen if we have the right amount of enzymes. We need both high quantities of minerals and more of the right ones than the wrong ones.

Processed food generally contains far too many of the wrong ones and has by the very act of the processing depleted the foods of the main ones we need and of the enzymes we need to digest them.

Unfortunately this is unlikely to change in the near future as that would require a huge shift towards home grown and organic produce and much healthier soil.

What Can You Do?

Eat more vegetables and a much wider quantity. For instance when you go out for a meal choose a dish that has vegetables and ask for more as well.

The most important thing I have found out about food in the last 28 years is, in order to have optimal health you have to choose food you are able to readily digest and assimilate into your body so you can have both stable consistent energy and mental and emotional strength.

Or the food will be useless to you and become a burden in your body.

So in addition to the 2.7 litres of water I need every day I also make sure to eat food that is healthy and easy for my body to assimilate and is fresh and grown on healthy soil with all the minerals in it my body needs.

Where I consider it necessary, I supplement with appropriate minerals and enzymes to ensure my body has all the things it needs to remain healthy.

Remember enzymes are only found in live food and they are destroyed by processing, heating and storage. Where possible choose unprocessed and grown locally.

If you eat animal protein choose free range eggs and chicken and grass fed lamb and beef and make sure any fish you eat is fresh and looks healthy and is caught locally.

Always have vegetables available and make sure they cover an area at least three times the size of any protein you eat on your plate. If you’re vegetarian make sure your food choices are as wide and as varied as possible.

Consider brown rice as a staple rather than most breads and stay away from wheat as much as possible. If you want to lose weight, switch from fruit as a snack to a wide variety of healthy cooked vegetables and eat lots of vegetable soups and broths.

The funny thing is when Carey Reams (The creator of RBTI Analysis) worked all this out over 80 years ago he found nearly everyone felt better and performed better when they drank the right amount of water and ate the right foods for their body.

Those foods must have all of the minerals required by the body as those minerals enabled the body to make the right amount of enzymes so the food could be digested.

With his background as a soil scientist he knew how to grow healthy crops and animals and he just transferred that knowledge to growing and restoring health to people.

If you want you and your children to have optimum performance at work, home, school, in sports or just generally it will pay to make sure you and they consistently drink just water at the rate of 33 ml per kg of weight.

And learn what the right foods are to keep your body in optimal health.

Disease is in the main a product of poor food choices that have failed to support the energy and functions of the body. Any plant or animal that gets inadequate minerals or enzymes from the soil or food that they eat is liable to become sick and die.

That is why vets study nutrition as one of the keys to keeping animals healthy. And soil experts are employed to make sure there are the right minerals in the soil to ensure a healthy pasture.

Unfortunately when there was a big shift to superphosphates 60 years or so ago substandard soil could be used to grow crops where they could never be grown before.

This is I believe one of the major reasons for the epidemics of ill health that we now see daily on our tv’s, newspapers and magazines and one of the major reasons for the imbalance in minerals that the majority of us currently suffer from.

Have you noticed food now goes off much faster than ever before and most of the fruit and vegetables go spotty or mouldy not long after purchase?

And taste seems to have disappeared from a lot of our foods. Lack of minerals and lack of the life force in the food ends up with us eating poor quality.

We used to get a lot of the enzymes that we used for digestion out of our food. As our food has deteriorated so have the minerals and the available enzymes.

You can undertake an RBTI Analysis to discover the effects that your diet is having on your biochemistry.

As Carey Reams said “the first day that the body fails to take in the minerals that it needs is the first day of ill health.”

He could have added as Dr Howell did “Without enzymes, life itself would not be possible”.

The more consistent use and the better quality of the water and food with the right balance of minerals and enzymes the better the outcomes for you and your children.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

David Lomman

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