Do You Need Help During Isolation?

Do You Need Help During Isolation?

You Are NOT alone. We are all in this together. We are all feeling out of sorts to one degree or another right now. The good news is there is help during isolation. There is no need to feel alone. There are many ways you can help to change your emotional state. Watch the video to see how I changed mine. Changing your focus can be simple, sometimes you just need to know how.

Getting yourself help during isolation does not have to be a challenge for you. Most of us have more time than ever before to sit down with a cup of tea and read. Learn ways you can get what you need during isolation, to enable you to thrive.

Look at all of the resources below. They are all free.

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Below Are Some FREE Resources For You To Download

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Edition 20 – Community


Edition 19 – Gaining Confidence

Holistic Living Magazine Edition 19 - Overcoming the Voice of Limitation

Edition 18 – Connection

Holistic Living Magazine 18 - Connection

Edition 17 – Heart Health

Holistic Living Magazine Edition 17

Edition 16 – Preventative Health

Holistic Living Magazine Preview - Edition 16 - Preventative Health

Edition 15 – Law of Manifestation

Holistic Living Magazine Preview 15 - Manifestation

Edition 14 – Mind-Body Balance

Holistic Living Magazine Edition 14 - Mind-Body Balance

Edition 13 – Mental Health

Holistic Living Magazine 13 - Mental Health

Edition 12 – Fear & Anxiety

Holistic Living Magazine 12 - Fear & Anxiety

Edition 11 – Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

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Edition 10 – Relaxation

Holistic Living Magazine 10 - Relaxation

Edition 9 – Beliefs

Holistic Living Magazine - Beliefs

Edition 8 – Energy & Consciousness

Holistic Living Magazine 8 - Energy and Consciousness

Edition 7 – Releasing Emotions

Holistic Living Magazine 7 - Releasing Emotions

Edition 6 – Self Love

Holistic Living Magazine 6 - Self Love

Edition 5 – Living With A Healthy Immune System

Holistic Living Magazine 6 - The Immune System

Edition 4 – Understanding & Exploring Cancer

Holistic Living Magazine 4 - Exploring & Understanding Cancer

Edition 3 – Living With An Autoimmune Disease

Holistic Living Magazine 3 - Autoimmune Disease

Edition 2 – Living With Diabetes

Holistic Living Magazine 2 - Living with Diabetes

Edition 1 – Overcoming Depression

Holistic Living Magazine 1 - Overcoming Depression

Please remember you are NOT alone and know there is help during isolation.

Join Our Community On Facebook For More Support.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sharon White

If you would like to learn more and work with me one on one I would love to work with you. I am passionate about people having a voice, being heard and creating the change you want in your life.

You can contact me at to see how I can help you. Sharon is the founder of Global Healing Exchange. You can work with her on her Emotional Freedom Program here.

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