It’s Day 5 of Dealing with Anxiety Naturally here we go…
Meet Shona Russell – Shona is an intuitive energy healer using the Award-Winning Forensic Healing Modality to help her clients. This has assisted her greatly in embracing and developing her evidential physic Claircognizance, Clairsentience, and Clairempathy gifts to help her clients.
She says, “Forensic Healing is an energy detective system that identifies your past stresses, traumas, conditioning, energetic damage, that causes you pain, stress, and suffering”.
She helps her clients release past traumas that triggers innate abilities for deeper and faster healing.
We spoke about how we store past traumas in our body and how most of the time we need to go back to triggers in our childhood.
She reminds us how our body remembers everything, even though we may not be able to remember events consciously, our body stores these events and it sometimes causes trauma.
We spoke about having intention to heal, and how we need to have awareness of what is happening to us before we can choose to step into healing.
She reminds us that we are much more than a physical body and for us to heal we need to look at it from many directions.
Listen to the video below to have an experience of Forensic Healing.
Shona does a very quick session on me so we could show you how precise Forensic Healing can be.
Your FREE Gift
Shona is giving you a Blue Room Healing Technique FREE GIFT
Connect with Shona on Facebook, Instagram, or her Website.
You will also see her weekly in our Facebook group.