Dealing with Anxiety & Stress Naturally – Day 2

It’s Day 2 of Dealing with Anxiety Naturally and I can’t wait for you see today’s interview.

Meet Simba Stenqvist – Simba’s passion and field of expertise is increasing the structural integrity of the physical and energy body of his clients. 

There is an emphasis on grounding and awareness cultivating techniques, imagine a spiritual chiropractor, if you will. 

Together with this approach, he is dedicated to coaching the empowering and strengthening benefits of having Four Pillars of Health as a tangible day-to-day practice.

He says, “Together with my wife Sara, we share our personal and professional practices to bring health and self-empowerment to individuals and groups. 

Together with focusing on the foundations of health, we also specialize in trauma treatment, pain & injury recovery, and nervous system recalibration. 

We work with clients who feel ready to dedicate themselves to a path of self-transformation and personal development”.

Simba Stenqvist

We spoke about how we know breath helps anxiety and it is probably the most used technique used to help someone. (Think of breathing in a paper bag for an anxiety attack), but there are so many other reasons why breath is important.

We learned that learning to breathe correctly can help to relieve emotional stress and it affects the subconscious mind.

We learned that breathing is a tool we can use to retrain our nervous system. 

Breath can change the acidity in the body.

Listen to the interview below to learn more about how you can start breathing better, and transform your mental and physical health at the same time!

Your FREE Gift

Simba is giving you a Holistic Transformation Start Kit.

You will find practical tools to inspire you to get started with your own personal holistic lifestyle. Learn the first practical steps for personal self-transformation as it lays the foundations that allow for you to take your health to the next level.

What you’ll get:

  • Recipe Book For Raw Foods And Detoxification

  • Guided Breathing Meditation

  • The Importance Of Kidney Filtration E-Book

Our holistic approach to detox, health, and grounding is easy and effective. Get a behind-the-scenes look at how we work with our clients at our Holistic Retreat Centre in Chiang Mai, Thailand. FREE GIFT

Connect with Simba on FacebookInstagramYoutube, or his Website.

You will also see him weekly in our Facebook group.

