Could Your Emotions Be Responsible For Rejuvenation Or Ageing?


Inner Conversations, Stress, Meditation & Rejuvenation

Every day, every minute, our subconscious mind is having a conversation triggering emotions between our heart and our brain.

The quality of these emotions will engage our heart in sending messages to our brain to trigger certain chemicals which will affect our bodies either negatively or positively.

Obviously, the emotion of anger, for example, will result in a different cascade of reactions rather differently to the emotional triggers of the emotion of love.

Negative emotions will be responsible for producing stress and increasing the levels of cortisol and adrenaline in our bloodstreams. These hormones have been called stress hormones and are necessary to prepare the body for fight or flight.

So, our blood supply will be redirected to what is perceived as most needed in such situations, namely the muscles, limbs and extremities.

There Is So Much More That Happens In A Stressful Situation:

  • heart rate increase;
  • blood vessel constriction of most viscera;
  • blood vessel dilation of heart, lungs and skeletal muscles;
  • spleen contraction;
  • glycogen conversion into glucose in the liver;
  • increased sweating;
  • dilations of airways;
  • decrease or cessation of digestion;
  • water retention;
  • increased blood pressure; and
  • all of the above resulting in accelerated ageing.

These responses are normal in a really dangerous situation, like been chased by a large vicious animal or being in a war-zone life threatening situation, for example.

In such cases, the stress hormones pouring into our bodies, from a feeling of “do or die” can give us superhuman powers.

However, the release of other chemicals supporting the functions of growth, immunity and rejuvenation are dramatically reduced, causing immune deficiencies, physical weakness and ageing.

Your Body Can Either Be In A Stress Mode Or A Healing/Growth Mode

Obviously, we were not meant to live in constant stress as a way of life, however, in our modern world, it has become an inevitable persistent state.

The good news is that we can change this rather quickly with our intentions.

Most often, even though our stress responses are created at a subconscious level, we can learn to diffuse them.

Indeed, the process that makes our heart send our brains the signals of chaos when we are stressed is actually the same process that when we have positive emotions and send signals to our brain that will be more regular, more harmonious, nearly musical.

When we experience positive emotions, such as appreciation, gratitude, compassion and love, our brain releases dopamine into our body, boosts the immune system and increases rejuvenation.

The shift between the stress response and a feeling of well-being can happen quickly.

Bruce Lipton in his book: “the biology of belief”, affirms that the quality of our emotions determines the instructions our heart sends to our brain.

Moreover, studies conducted by the Institute of HeartMath have shown that cortisol levels steroid hormones produced by the adrenals, can decrease as much as 23 percent, and levels of DHEA, a life-affirming precursor to other vital hormones in the body, can increase by 100 percent if we spend as little as three minutes using focused techniques designed to produce such responses.

Shifting From Stressed-out To Instant Inner-Peace & Calm, Causing Rejuvenation

Step one: Heart and Breath

Move your focus to your heart and start breathing slowly, imagining that your breath is coming from your heart. It is a great way to be more connected with yourself, or a fast calming method in a overwhelm situation.

Step two: Generate a positive feeling

Think about something or someone you have appreciation for, like a beautiful place in nature, a close friend, or your beloved.

How lovely does it feel? Enhance this pleasant feeling and know that this is when your brain and your heart are in coherence, in harmony.

The more you consciously practice this meditation, the more natural it will become and the longer you will be able to sustain this connection between your heart and your brain.

You can practice this any time, any place and experience your body been seduced to get younger.

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Edua PotorEdua Potor 

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