Using Cinnamon To Treat Type II Diabetes

Cinnamon To Treat Type II Diabetes

Diabetes is a challenging condition which can be detrimental if not managed properly. While most physicians prefer that patients rely on pharmaceutical interventions, it is not the only solution for achieving good health.

One substance that has proven useful for helping diabetics to lower their blood sugar levels naturally is cinnamon.

While you probably think of warm apple pie or freshly baked cookies when someone mentions this aromatic spice, it has been used for medicinal benefits for thousands of years in other parts of the world.

You can take advantage of the history and studies that have proven the effectiveness of cinnamon to treat type II Diabetes.

It is important to note that you should not make any drastic changes to your diet without discussing them with your diabetes management team. For instance, you may be taking medication that is not compatible with larger doses of the rich brown powder.

Additionally, you should continue to test and record the results of your sugar levels to determine how much assistance you are getting from supplementing with cinnamon.

For those who are pre-diabetic, the addition of cinnamon to the diet along with other lifestyle changes may be enough to keep the disease from developing any further.

For those that are already on medications, dependence may be reduced or even eliminated over time as your body learns to maintain proper levels without pharmaceutical interventions.

Cinnamon has also been indicated in aiding those who suffer from obesity or being overweight. Part of the chemical actions it causes in the body is a prolonged feeling of fullness after meals.

This can help those who are struggling with their weight along with diabetes to manage both.

An additional benefit that you will receive from using cinnamon is a healthier digestive tract. The spice is a natural anti-bacterial agent that will help to regulate the bacteria in your gut and ward off those that are harmful to your system.

In order to get a daily dose of cinnamon, you have several options available. You can stick to one of them, or you can vary your routine so as not to become bored or resistant to the treatment.

The easiest way is to take the powder purchased in the spice section of your local supermarket. You can either add it to your foods or use a pill-making machine to make it easier to swallow.

Another choice is cinnamon sticks, which you can find near the powdered form in most retail outlets. Boil some water, and make a tea out of it, or use it along with one of your favorite teas.

You can also find Ceylon cinnamon tea on the market. Brew a cup of this spicy flavorful tea each morning to balance your blood sugar and get a fresh start to the day.

Another option is to use cinnamon essential oil. This form of treatment does not need to be ingested like the others, which can be useful for those with weak stomachs.

Make certain that the oil you purchase is created by a reputable manufacturer and distributed by an authorized retailer. Researching the companies will not take long and will provide peace of mind that you are getting the correct product.

Add ten drops of the oil to an ounce of carrier oil, such as apricot or sweet almond. Then, you can massage it into your abdominal region, allowing it to soak in through your skin.

If taking the powdered form, use up to six grams per day, taking regular breaks. For instance, you can take the cinnamon during the week and substitute turmeric on the weekends.

Alternatively, you can use the cinnamon for three weeks and then turmeric for a week. Experiment to see what works well for you.

As for the sticks and tea, one drink per day should suffice.

You can take control of your health and manage your diabetes; start using cinnamon today to help you reach your wellness goals.

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About the Author

Louis Venter is the creator of, a website devoted to providing support and on-topic, frequently updated information for diabetics and those in their support network.

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