Preparation time 5 mins Difficulty easy Serves 8 people
1 Soften cream cheese and butter in a medium bowl, whisk in stevia. 2 Once combined, add vanilla, sour cream and cocoa. Whisk at a medium pace, adding pouring cream until all ingredients are combined. 3 For the base, blitz 100g nuts with 2 tablespoons...
Many people falsely label themselves as emotional eaters and believe they succumb to eating unhealthy foods due to lack of willpower, but this isn’t always the case. With traditional carbohydrate based diets, every time we consume carbs, they get broken down into glycogen and flood our blood with sugar. Our pancreas...
There is a plethora of ways to relax and let go of tension. Mediation, walking in nature, meeting friends, reading, gentle exercise, swimming, and yoga are all time-honoured ways to relax. Relaxation can be enhanced by incorporating in herbs. There are many herbs one can choose from the vast...
With Melbourne Cup, Christmas parties and summer celebrations just around the corner, the team at Atkins Nutritionals has devised a range of tasty, healthy-body friendly canapés that will help you sail through the silly season without sacrificing your weight management goals. When it comes to party planning, crafting a healthy...
If you speak with “highly productive” and successful individuals (or are on your way to becoming more of one yourself), a common denominator is a high work ethic, determination and mental discipline. Too often these days however the sacrifice by those achieving or seeking this type of success is either...