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Healthy Food

Healthy Foods, Diet & Recipes

There are many reasons why eating healthy food is a great option for your health and well being. Here are three main reasons that will help remind you that eating healthy foods is the best choice to make for your diet, to provide the necessary nutrients that your body needs to create new cells, clean toxins, and to just function every day! Eating healthy food can help prevent future diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

A healthy lifestyle has both short and long term health benefits. Long term, eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can add years to your life and reduce the risk of certain diseases including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity.

Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and promote your overall health.

Good Eating Habits
Atkins, the low carb experts share their secrets to maintaining weight wellness and good eating habits this winter. For many, winter symbolises the start of a three-month hibernation. With the cooler weather and shorter days, people tend to hide from the cold by staying inside. Winter can also lead to eating more and...
Cinnamon Roasted Chickpeas & Vegetables with Yoghurt Dressing
Gut-friendly foods key in the fight against winter bugs. Looking after your gut bacteria, by choosing whole foods and prioritising probiotics, may be the key to warding off the flu this winter, according to dietitians. Accredited Practising Dietitian Kate Gudorf said the gut plays a crucial role in immunity. “The gut microbiota...
Sick This Winter
The common cold is the most frequent acute illness in the Western world. About half of us get 1 cold per year.1 however, many adults average of 2-4 colds every year, and children may have 5-7 colds every year.2 Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold...
Importance Of Protein
Proteins are very large molecules that can be found in every cell in our body. They’re one of the most abundant substances in our system (second only to water), and we need them to function and to regulate all of our organs and tissues. Proteins are made from smaller units...
MCT Oil Vs. Coconut Oil
By now, you have probably heard about MCT oil - a fat-burning, metabolism boosting miracle. Miracle or not, MCT's are rising in popularity and together with that, coconut oil has been often preferred over the MCT oil for many reasons like health and effectiveness. MCT's have long been used as...