Carbon emissions come from a variety of sources. The most well known sources are the many types of vehicles and organic waste, from factory farms. Carbon compounds will naturally break down, letting loose carbon dioxide and poisons into the atmosphere. We have a situation on our planet, complicated and simple...
The Earth's core responds to the electromagnetism of the sun. The surface of the sun is not solid, with different rates of rotation in different places. When the earth's core moves, the magnetic poles move. The crust responds after the magma is redirected in the direction of the core. With...
The people you spend time with have a massive impact on your life both positive and negative. So pick your friends very wisely. When you spend time with others you start to do what they do, say what they say, you have common interests. If they have positive outlooks and...
All over the world, designers are becoming optimists, working together on new solutions to the planet’s worst crises. Most of us are simply overwhelmed by the innumerable problems confronting our world. Pollution, overpopulation, species extinction, poverty, disease, and severe wealth disparity—we are acutely aware of these issues but, on the whole,...
Although many recognize that an individual can be conscious of him or herself, we seldom consider whether a whole society can be conscious of itself. Certainly at moments of great tragedy or great triumph there seems to be a capacity for millions of autonomous individuals to be conscious of themselves...