Inner Conversations, Stress, Meditation & Rejuvenation Every day, every minute, our subconscious mind is having a conversation triggering emotions between our heart and our brain. The quality of these emotions will engage our heart in sending messages to our brain to trigger certain chemicals which will affect our bodies either negatively...
When a computer has a virus on it, its performance is sabotaged. It runs slower and security breaches occur, as confidential information is syphoned-off. This video explores why building the immunity of your mind is essential for peak performance. Learn the five key elements on what is necessary to sustainably...
Businesses are just like people. They need to be fed, they need to be active, they need to rest and recover, they generate waste, they are living beings that learn, they need relationships and a community to thrive and they have a number of systems that need to operate...
How you tell the story of your life seems to be a common message, but it's a vital message that bears repeating and repeating often. When your health is not what you want it to be, it's so easy to allow yourself to slip into speaking of how horrible you...
If I had a dollar for every hypothyroid woman out there who has been told to ‘eat less and exercise more’… well, let’s just say I’d be lying on a hammock, on the balcony of my over-the-ocean Maldives summer house retreat, instead of beavering away at my desk on...