Muscles automatically contract around any painful site to support the area. If pain is treated fast, your muscles relax. If pain is left for too long the muscles begin to shorten and stay in the shortened position causing imbalance. Sometimes contractions press on nerves causing pain, tingling, pins and needles...
Let's start by being honest and admit that most diets don’t work. You must have already tried some and found that out yourself! And you are still looking for the right new one to come along!! You know the ones i'm talking about. Lets just drink water and eat lemons,...
Kinesiology has been around since 1964. It was created by a chiropractor and was used by chiropractors for diagnostic purposes. Since then, it has become a mainstream technique used by many body workers and energy workers among others. Since this time Kinesiologists have been muscle testing their clients’ bodies to see...
One of the many great things about meditation is that there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. There are many different meditation techniques, many different benefits, and many different reasons why people meditate. Here are 12 celebrities who meditate, and 12 things we can learn about meditation from them.
1. Angelina Jolie
You can meditate...
Have you ever wondered why you automatically know the difference between something that happened yesterday and something that happened when you were a child? This is because your Unconscious Mind has stored everything that has ever happened to you in a Time Line and has time/date stamped the memory. What you...