There are hundreds of trillions of friendly (and a handful of unfriendly) organisms in our intestines – it’s warm, safe, and there’s plenty of food in there, making it a great place for them to call your gut bacteria home. We have evolved with these bacteria, and we need them...
How do you activate your soul by finding ways for peace and relaxation? How do you find your Shangri La? We live in a world of constant motion of thoughts, actions, making decisions, explaining our behaviours, our choices and our very existence. Home life, work life, finding the balance that...
Do you feel stressed out and overwhelmed by your lifestyle, responsibilities and the overall intensity that permeates modern society? If you do, then you are not alone. A very high percentage of people in the modern world are struggling to relax. Long-term stress creates a complexity of modern-day problems including...
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and how can it help with relaxation? Neuro – Refers to our nervous system. The nervous system is the part of us that coordinates our actions by transmitting electrical signals to and from different parts of our body. This is how our body responds to our life experiences. Linguistic – Refers to language and how...
The Global Cancer Burden Cancer has become the curse of modern society. This is one disease that causes not only physical and emotional pain, but the suffering it brings upon families, near and dear ones is incalculable. You may be asking yourself can gut bugs affect your cancer risk? And when...