For as long as I can remember, exercise has been co-opted as a tool in the pursuit of image or some kind of lifestyle accessory. This is demonstrated by it’s situation almost immediately adjacent to the “beauty” industry. But why is this? Surely looking a certain way is only one...
Have you ever given a thought of teaching yoga? Are you looking for different ways to deepen your practice on a physical, intellectual and emotional level? Have you been considering applying for a yoga teacher training for a while, but just feel that you’re “not ready yet”? Then, here are...
Winter sports are nothing but recreational activities carried out on snow or ice, generally at high altitudes. We all feel slumberous during winters, all you want to do is tuck into your cozy bed and sleep all day. Why not try and fight this laziness and actually enjoy the cold...
Children in strength training: The controversy over this is so immense it is downright staggering. As adults, we probably know the importance of keeping fit. However, with all the insane junk food and sugary sweets kids are exposed to, it’s no wonder childhood obesity is on the high rise. Which brings...
If you want better health, here are some great tips for you. 1. Set A Schedule - Be realistic. If you have neglected your classes or personal fitness and wellness programs you can begin afresh starting now. 2. Team Up - You're more likely to stick with your plan if you join...