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Exercise, Posture & Rehab

Exercise, fitness, posture & rehabilitation.


Exercise helps people to keep their weight at an optimal level and can help to lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person’s risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

What are the benefits of regular exercise? It tends to increase appetite, reduce constipation, and promote quality sleep. The benefits of exercise diminish within months after a person stops exercising. Heart strength, muscle strength, and the level of HDL cholesterol decrease, whereas blood pressure and body fat increase.


The importance of good posture cannot be stressed enough in modern times. It extends far beyond our outward appearance and aesthetics. Posture refers to our body’s alignment and positioning with respect to gravity. Gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments and muscles whether we are standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture distributes this force through our body with minimal muscular effort and so that no one structure is overstressed. Sitting or standing with proper postural alignment allows us to work more efficiently with less fatigue and strain on our body’s ligaments and muscles.

As endurance athletes, the majority of our focus is on training the cardiovascular system. We are always looking to the next major goal and trying to become faster and stronger. The ability to race to your potential is dependent on the quality of our training as well as our ability...
We spend hours in training putting in the k's in the pool and out on the road, but just as important is preparing mentally for the big day, and the longer the distance you are competing in the more important this becomes. Jason Gootman and Will Kirousis have some mental...
"After 13 years of coaching and interacting with athletes I find that the biggest single hurdle for athletes is their mental approach to racing and training and, indeed more importantly, their attitude to life in general. I find that athletes are type A personalities, very driven, very goal oriented and,...
Let's face it, with our big race looming around the corner, many of us have been caught a little off guard! Like any other deadline, race day has been "ages" away for a long time now. So long in fact, that we are now left high and dry, wondering how...
The Bicycle Principle. Why We Must Achieve Balance With Exercise
Imagine you are a bicycle, wheels, frame and all. Now you need to travel from A to B. The points A and B can be many things. A could be unfit, B could be fit. A could be overweight or obese, and B could be trim and athletic. A could...