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Exercise, Posture & Rehab

Exercise, fitness, posture & rehabilitation.


Exercise helps people to keep their weight at an optimal level and can help to lower the risk of some diseases. Exercising to maintain a healthy weight decreases a person’s risk of developing certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

What are the benefits of regular exercise? It tends to increase appetite, reduce constipation, and promote quality sleep. The benefits of exercise diminish within months after a person stops exercising. Heart strength, muscle strength, and the level of HDL cholesterol decrease, whereas blood pressure and body fat increase.


The importance of good posture cannot be stressed enough in modern times. It extends far beyond our outward appearance and aesthetics. Posture refers to our body’s alignment and positioning with respect to gravity. Gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments and muscles whether we are standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture distributes this force through our body with minimal muscular effort and so that no one structure is overstressed. Sitting or standing with proper postural alignment allows us to work more efficiently with less fatigue and strain on our body’s ligaments and muscles.

Achilles Tendonitis
As triathletes we place a heavy load on our bodies often not having the luxury of recovery time enjoyed by athletes training for a single discipline. Of all the activities we take part in it is running that places by far the greatest strain on our muscles, tendons and joints....
Runners Knee
Definition: A softening or wearing away and cracking of the cartilage under the kneecap, resulting in pain and inflammation. The cartilage becomes like sandpaper because the kneecap is not riding smoothly over the knee. Symptoms: Pain beneath or on the sides of the kneecap crepitus (grinding noise), as the rough cartilage rubs...
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Definition: Pain and inflammation on the outside of the knee, where the iliotibial band (a muscle on the outside of the thigh) becomes tendinous, and results in a friction syndrome by rubbing against the femur (thigh bone) as it runs alongside the knee joint. Symptoms: Initially, a dull ache 1-2 kilometres into...
Plantar Fasciitis
Definition: An inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick fibrous band of tissue in the bottom of the foot which runs from the heel to the base of the toes. When placed under too much stress, the plantar fascia stretches too far and tears, resulting in inflammation of the fascia and...
Shin Splints
Definition: Inflammation of the muscle attachments and interosseous membranes to the tibia (shin bone) on the inside of the front of the lower leg. Note: "shin splints" is a very widely used phrase and can refer to several lower leg injuries. The focus of this description is specifically on the inflammation...