A dowagers hump is just one of the many conditions that can occur if we don’t have optimal alignment of our body. This can lead to an unsightly and painful condition. Many women are familiar with this hump and have concerns they will end up buckled over looking at the...
It might be due to the onset of winter or maybe you’ve been exercising for a while but we all have moments when our mojo feels like its up and left the building! So, no matter how long it’s been MIA, here’s my top tips for getting your mojo back...
A personal trainer is a person who helps people exercise. The 5 classic components of fitness are muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility. Although there are other subsets like power and speed. The general population is defined as an age range of 18 to about 50 (45...
As soon as I speak of posture people want to sit up straight. Unfortunately this does not last more than a moment. Poor posture is hitting our society like a plague. This is leading to many conditions such as neck and back pain, headaches, poor breathing patterns, RSI, rotator cuff...
I am asked on a daily basis "How do I flatten my tummy" or "How do I get a strong core" and I thought I'd share my answer with everybody today. Not only are you going to get the inside scoop, you can finally put to bed all the...