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Health Articles

Holistic Living By Global Healing Exchange

Welcome Holistic Living By Global Healing Exchange. Please enjoy all things holistic with Global Healing Exchange. We have holistic practitioners from all over the world who contribute to our website. We also have our experts who write health articles for our magazine. We aim to empower you with knowledge, so you can use that knowledge to help yourself and your family to live your best life. The best way to use this site if you are looking for information is to either use the search bar, of if you are not sure what you are looking for yet, look under the categories in the articles menu.


Make Exercise Fun
If exercise was easy and fun, we all could be in perfect shape. We all could be workout enthusiasts. The fact that most people...
Clearer Skin
The mercury is on the rise and summer is just around the corner. With the rising temperatures, many individuals are looking for ways that...
Natural Home Remedies
If you are suffering from joint pain, chances are you may have explored some extreme solutions such as surgery or pain killers. Before you...
kick your coffee habit
Many people find that coffee isn’t the best morning beverage for them. Some find that it keeps them awake until late at night, while...
Learn How To Gain Confidence
HOW TO GAIN CONFIDENCE HOLISTIC LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 19 DECEMBER 2019 Editor in Chief Sharon White Editor at Large Cassandra Jones Layout Artist Francisco Mendoza III If you want...