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Health Articles

Holistic Living By Global Healing Exchange

Welcome Holistic Living By Global Healing Exchange. Please enjoy all things holistic with Global Healing Exchange. We have holistic practitioners from all over the world who contribute to our website. We also have our experts who write health articles for our magazine. We aim to empower you with knowledge, so you can use that knowledge to help yourself and your family to live your best life. The best way to use this site if you are looking for information is to either use the search bar, of if you are not sure what you are looking for yet, look under the categories in the articles menu.


environmentally conscious
We often think about environmentally conscious efforts as pursuits that will be good for the planet. Of course, it’s no wonder why we do this, as this should be our main priority. But just like getting out in nature, knowing that you’re making the most of a healthy habit is...
Plantar Fasciitis
If you have ever experienced a sharp and substantial pain in your heels, it might be due to stress and pressure caused in your heel and subsequent inflammation of foot tissue. The pain is usually experienced in the heel. This condition is popularly termed plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis can...
Health Factors
When you get physically sick, you probably take some medication and make plans to see a doctor as soon as possible. Yet, there are many mental and physical conditions that people just accept as a part of everyday life. You may take it for granted that these problems are...
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a condition that occurs when an individual goes through a traumatic experience, which leaves them feeling anxious, stressed, frightened, miserable, detached, or intimidated all the time. PTSD is a mental illness that is frequently witnessed in veterans who have served in war. It...
Step Into Your Power
Amy Edge interviewed me about the chapter I wrote in The Rising Sisterhood book. I talk about the power that you have within you to shine as brightly as you can, and how to live on purpose. We talk about limiting beliefs, how they can affect the way you...