At What Cost Motherhood – Are You The Best Version Of Yourself?


Last week, after a conversation with a friend and finding myself ‘eavesdropping’ on an online conversation between some new Mums, I did some quick research into Mum’s taking time out for themselves. 

Firstly, how many actually take regular time to look after their health, fitness and wellbeing?  And if they aren’t, why and at what cost.

Those early dependent, crazy years of parenting are often at the expense of many mothers who then find themselves, five years down the track, feeling exhausted, neglected and in a funk, yep, just like I did!

There is a massive emotional transformation that comes from being a mother and during this time we are all under pressure, from ourselves and from society, to:

• be a good mother & a good role model to our kids;

• bounce our bodies back to pre pregnancy perkiness, the quicker the better (and I come across so many women beating themselves up to be in even better shape than before!)

And I have to say, it KILLS me to see women lose their moxie! Lose the incredible courage and strength that it takes to make a baby in the first place!

Yes, I’m in danger of breaking into “I am Woman” right now, and I often roar (just ask my kids!) but it’s because I feel so damn passionate about this!

No mother should feel guilty about investing time in herself.  EVER.

No woman should compromise their health, fitness and wellbeing during their child’s early years.

I honestly believe that the greatest gift we can give our children is to be the best version of ourselves.  Make this investment now and you are guaranteeing that you will be around for them, for as long as you can. 

To me, this is what makes you a good mother, this is how you become a good role model.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sonya Lovell

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