3 Steps On How To Follow Your Passion And Get Results

Depression, Expression & Suppression

What is your purpose? What is your mission? What makes you get out of bed each day? Do you find working your passion a chore or do you love what you do instead?

Are you taking the necessary steps to achieving your goals? Do you have the mindset of a winner?

How can you follow your passion, achieve your goals while following your dreams? How can you be more productive in your day?

You need to FEEL that passion for your goals, daily. How do you do that?

If you can make a change within yourself of clarity, courage, purpose and determination you can connect to your goals. You need to master the psychology and physiology of someone who is already following their passion.

What I mean by this is you need to think like someone who is doing what you want to do and you need the body physiology of someone who is successful.

For example you don’t see an expert who is motivating people who has poor body posture, can’t give eye contact or connect and can’t hold a conversation.

An expert who motivates others will have an upright posture, look you straight in the eye, be confident and communicate effectively.

An expert will have a plan of where they are going. They know what they will do and if they are not yet sure of how to do it, they will learn.

So how can you put this example into your life? If your passion is health and wellness, think and act like a healthy person. If your passion is business, think and act like a business person. If your passion is making money, think and act like someone who has money.

So What Can You Do To Get The Psychology Right?

Firstly, when you wake up stop going straight to the computer and working. Do something for yourself first. Get into the right headspace for the day ahead. Set your intention for what this day will bring you.

1. Walk, exercise, run, take a long shower, meditate, (whatever you need to do to make your body feel good) and ask yourself.

What am I excited about today? What am I looking forward to today? What will make me enthusiastic about today? What can I do today that will bring me closer to my goals?

2. Ask yourself. What are you grateful for today? Make a list of all of the things you are already grateful for as positive attracts more positive into our lives. Put yourself in a positive mindset to start your day.

3. What am I committed to making happen today no matter what. Give yourself achievable tasks that you can do today to get you to where you need to go.

Who do you need to talk to? What emails do you need to write? What do you have to learn? Set yourself these achievable goals for the day.

Then drink lots of water and eat a healthy breakfast to start your day. You must look after your body BEFORE you look after work.

What Can You Do Today To Start Living The Life You Want To Live?

1. Make a list of the projects or things in your life you want to change.

2. Then list 3 things you need to do to do make that happen (small steps).

3. Work out how you can move them forward. What people do you need in your life to make it happen? What actions do you need to take?

Work these steps and you will reach your goals and live a passionate life.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sharon WhiteSharon White

If you would like to learn more and work with me one on one I would love to work with you. I am passionate about people having a voice, being heard and creating the change you want in your life.

You can contact me at sharon@globalhealingexchange.com to see how I can help you. Sharon is the founder of Global Healing Exchange. You can work with her on her Emotional Freedom Program here.

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